over 1 year ago

Fed Beige Book: October release cover image

Fed Beige Book: October release


Overall Economic Activity:

  • Stability: The majority of the Districts reported no significant changes in economic activity since the previous month.
  • Consumer Spending: There was a variance across sectors, with auto dealers and general retailers having differing experiences.
  • Tourism: While tourism activity continued to recover, there were signs of slowing consumer travel.
  • Banking: Loan demand has slightly decreased, though consumer credit quality remains generally stable.
  • Real Estate: Real estate market conditions remained stable, with a limited inventory of homes available for sale.
  • Manufacturing: The outlook for manufacturing is positive across multiple Districts.

 Labor Markets:

  • Employment: Employment has been growing moderately, and hiring urgency has lessened.
  • Hiring Challenges: Difficulty recruiting skilled tradespeople persists, but firms are experiencing fewer challenges in negotiating with potential employees.
  • Older Workers: There's a trend of older employees remaining in the workforce, either in their current roles or returning part-time.
  • Wages: Wages are increasing at a modest rate, and there's less resistance from potential employees to wage offers. Some firms are adjusting compensation structures to offset increased labor costs.


  • Price Increases: Prices have been increasing at a modest rate.
  • Input Costs: While input costs have stabilized for manufacturers, service firms are still experiencing increases.
  • Profit Margins: Businesses find it challenging to maintain profit margins as they can't always pass on the increased costs to consumers.
  • Outlook: Expectations indicate a slower rate of price increases in the coming quarters, and fewer firms anticipate significant price hikes.

Overall Impression:

The economy seems to be in a period of stabilization. While there are positive indicators, such as improving outlooks in manufacturing and tourism, there are challenges, like increasing prices and labor market constraints. The slow easing of labor market tightness suggests an incremental return towards equilibrium, but the ongoing challenges in recruiting skilled tradespeople might be an area of concern for several industries. The trends highlighted in the prices section may indicate that inflation pressures could moderate, but businesses might face challenges in maintaining profitability if they cannot pass increased costs onto consumers.