Pay close attention to the manufacturing cycle. As its momentum increases, overall growth also accelerates. When it surpasses 50, the urgency to invest in growth sectors will intensify, especially as forward-looking growth indicators turn positive. This shift will occur despite a prevailing bias towards recession, suggesting a significant change in market dynamics.

Productivity gains are an early sign of recovery/expansion, and Productivity is on the rise.

although the economy should be cooling into February-May, I don't see a real spike in unemployment or negative job growth.

Economist are underestimating the Gig-Economy.

2024 is the Year of Productivity gains, growth recovery and MORE STIMULUS>

Of course Equities are beginning to front run Rising Earning Estimates 

Fed Beige Book: October release post photo

Fed Beige Book: October release

This Summarizes comments received from contacts outside the Federal Reserve System and is not a commentary on the views of Federal Reserve officials.